TWS 8.3 Install

Create Database on Oracle server named TWS with Tablespaces of TWS_DATA and TWS_TEMP

Create user oracle on TWS server

Create user batch on TWS server

Install Oracle on the TWS server - use advanced options to deselect enterprise options and do not create a db

Add the following to /etc/oratab:


Add the following to the oracle user's .bash_profile:

export ORAENV_ASK=NO; export ORACLE_SID=dummy; . oraenv

Update oracle user environment by running:

$ source .bash_profile

Create a tnsnames.ora file in /apps/oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin which contains the following:

# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:oracleora92networkadmintnsnames.ora

# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.




(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracleservername)(PORT = 1521))







mkdir /opt/tws

chown batch.batch /opt/tws

Install TWS 8.3

install for user batch

point to TWS.oradev for the database

install path /opt/tws

user system for oracle admin

use batch_tws user for TWS oracle user

enter TWS_DATA for the TWS data tablespace

enter TWS_TEMP for the TWS temp tablespace

Documentation for TWS

Cleanup Commands: do not do in production:

ResetPlan –scratch


Get things started after reset (only on a new setup):


Set limit:


lc ;10

Do a test command job from conman:

sbd “ls”;logon=batch

Do a test script job from conman:

sbf “/path/to/”;logon=batch

Do this when resetting plan for the day and do not want to extend (if there is a problem)

JnextPlan -for 0000 # To not extend the plan (i.e. just reset for today)

Show schedule


Show jobs


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