VAS 3.2 Installation and Configuration
Create vasuser with domain admin, enterprise admin, schema admin, and group policy creator owner permissions
Put license in c:\vaslicense folder
As vasuser:
install MMC with default options
install VAS in Standard Mode and point to the license in C:\vaslicense
installs R2 schema update
optimizes schema
configures VAS licensing GP
remove VAS licensing GP link from top level and linked to the VAS OU
Unix enabled accounts starting at the 10000 uid and gid range in AD using the Unix Tab of each users properties
Setup default primary group called pvusers with gid 10000
Created additional unix enabled groups for samba called pvsambaread, pvsambawrite......
Verified that the VAS licensing GP contained the following attributes:
default_realm = PVALENTINO.LAN
workstation-mode = true
workstation-mode-group-do-member = true
check-host-access = true
lowercase-names = true
user-hide-if-denied = true
prompt-local-pw = Enter UNIX password:
prompt-vas-ad-disauth-pwcache = You are logging on in disconnected mode:
prompt-vas-ad-pw = Enter your WINDOWS password:
perm-disconnected-users =
Created a visudo policy for admin accounts and developer accounts at the VAS OU level:
All Commands > root > Group=adwheel
All commands > user1 > Group=pvsambawrite
Path to visudo = /usr/sbin/visudo
Created NTP and MOTD policy:
NTP = files config pointing to /dist/apps/ntp/ntp.conf on yumserver containing
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
broadcastdelay 0.008
Login and MOTD configs configured with following text:
* PVALENTINO's systems must only be used for conducting PVALENTINO's *
* business or for purposes authorized by PVALENTINO's management. *
* *
* *
* Use is subject to audit at any time by PVALENTINO management. *
* *
Open Firewall ports/iptables for:
tcp 88 to DC's for kerberos
tcp 389 to DC or LDAP Server
udp 389 same as above
udp 53 to DNS Servers
tcp 445 for SMB (open on samba server side)
tcp 464 to Domain Controllers for kpasswd (kerberos password exchange)
tcp 3268 to DC's for global catalog lookups
udp 123 to Domain Controllers for Time Sync
To install VAS 3.3.2 client software use the following script on i386 RH4 Servers:
rm -rf *.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasclnt-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasgp-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasutil-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-openssh-4.7p1_q1.217-1.rhel4.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-samba-3.0.28_q291-1.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-sudo-1.6.8p12q93-1.rh73.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-vasidmap-
rpm -Uvh *.rpm
For x86_64 RH4 Servers use:
rm -rf *.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/x86_64/vasclnt-3.3.2-69.x86_64.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/x86_64/vasgp-3.3.2-69.x86_64.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/x86_64/vasutil-3.3.2-69.x86_64.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-vasidmap-
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.1/48/linux-x86_64/quest-openssh-4.7p1_q1.217-1.rhel4.x86_64.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.1/48/linux-x86_64/quest-samba-3.0.28_q291-1.x86_64.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.1/48/linux-x86_64/quest-sudo-1.6.8p12q93-3.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh *.rpm
For Rhel 3 use:
rm -rf *.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasclnt-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasgp-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/3.3.2/i386/vasutil-3.3.2-69.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-samba-3.0.28_q291-1.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-sudo-1.6.8p12q93-1.rh73.i386.rpm
wget http://yumserver.PVALENTINO.lan/install/vintella/quest-vasidmap-
wget http://yumserver/install/vintella/rhel3/quest-openssh-4.7p1_q1.217-1.rhel3.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Make sure that Quest sshd service is running instead of the default:
service sshd stop; service sshd-quest start
service winbind stop
service smb stop
chkconfig sshd-quest on
chkconfig winbind off
chkconfig smb off
chkconfig sshd off
Join Computers to the domain:
Update root profile to include path for quest and KRB5_CONFIG in .bash_profile:
export KRB5_CONFIG
For example, to join a computer to the VAS > RH4 > i386 > intranet > QA container in AD use:
vastool -u <admin user> join -f -c ou=qa,ou=intranet,ou=i386,ou=rh4,ou=vas,dc=PVALENTINO,dc=lan PVALENTINO.lan
vastool -u bb join -f -c ou=qa,ou=apache2,ou=i386,ou=rh4,ou=vas,dc=PVALENTINO,dc=lan PVALENTINO.lan
run vastool status to verify configuration
run vgptool apply to apply group policies
Run oat to align userid's with AD
all defaults except use specific user (A domain admin account) and then enter / for path when requested
then type yes to commit at the end
To rollback use the command:
oat rollback
and enter /var/opt/quest/oatwork20080612 when prompted for working directory
Comment out the existing usernames in /etc/passwd before attempting to logon with VAS
To update host passwords for samba always use:
/opt/quest/bin/vastool -q -u host/ passwd -r -o | /opt/quest/bin/net -f -i changesecretpw
service samba-quest restart
vastool configure pam samba
vastool configure pam ssh
Comment out local usernames in passwd and log off the server
Log back in with putty and su to root
Add some aliases to administrator accounts to simplify administration in their .bash_profile:
alias sudo="/usr/bin/sudo"
alias vas="sudo /opt/quest/bin/vastool"
alias vgp="sudo /opt/quest/bin/vgptool"
Configured samba GP at the VAS, RH4, i386, Intranet, QA level where pvqaapp lives with following params:
server string = pvQAAPP Samba Server
log file = /var/opt/quest/log/samba/%m.log
log level = 1
max log size = 1000
security = ADS
use spnego = true
use kerberos keytab = true
machine password timeout = 0
encrypt passwords = true
domain logons = false
domain master = no
preferred master = no
local master = false
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
wins server =
;--- begin options added by vas-samba-config (20080610) ---
winbind nested groups = no
ldap admin dn = CN=VasIdmapAdmin
idmap backend = ldap:ldap://localhost
idmap uid = 1-2147483647
idmap gid = 1-2147483647
idmap cache time = 300 # Expire the tdb cache every 5 minutes
obey pam restrictions = yes
;--- end options added by vas-samba-config (20080610) ---
config file = /etc/opt/quest/samba/smb.conf
password server = PVALENTINO_dc1.PVALENTINO.lan *
admin users = user1, PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\, PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\, root
comment = pv Data
read list = @PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\pvsambaread
create mask = 775
directory mask = 775
force create mode = 775
force directory mode = 775
browseable = True
writeable = yes
path = /data
admin users = root, PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\user1, PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\user2
comment = pv Logs
read list = @PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\pvsambaread, PVALENTINO_DOMAIN\user1
create mask = 775
directory mask = 775
force create mode = 775
force directory mode = 775
browseable = True
writeable = no
path = /log
Run vastool flush
Ran vas-samba-config on pvqaapp
service samba-quest restart again
chmod -R 777 <samba share>
/opt/quest/bin/vastool -q -u host/ passwd -r -o | /opt/quest/bin/net -f -i changesecretpw
Ran testparm to verify smb.conf on pvqaapp after pushing out group policy
ran net ads testjoin and net rpc testjoin to validate samba/kerberos communication
/opt/quest/bin/vastool -q -u host/ passwd -r -o | /opt/quest/bin/net -f -i changesecretpw
Made sure that no valid users stanzas exist in the smb.conf file
Make sure that read list and write list entries follow the following syntax
smbclient complains spnego_gen_negTokenTarg failed: No such file or directory; session setup failed: SUCCESS -
Your credential cache is missing. Run
$ vastool kinit to login and get a new TGT, then try again.
If you get error about userid not found I have no name when logging in with windows account - verify you
installed the correct version i.e. x86_64 version.....
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