#1 UNIX Tips

UNIX Random Tips -  sorry Linux Tips is what I really meant

Make dated backup files easy with a profile update
in /home/user/.bash_profile add:
TIME=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
export TIME
    of course change the date and time stamp to whatever format you prefer
    then to backup a file with the timestamp just use:
cp /path/to/file /path/to/backup/filename.$TIME
   and file will be saved with the timestamp provided you have sourced your .bash_profile or logged in again.

or even better use tar gzip:
TIME=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
tar zcvf $tarfile /path/to/filesandfolders

Test logrotate
    logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf

Establish ssh tunnel to vncserver
    ssh -L 5901:vncserver:5901 server
    vncviewer localhost:5901 should result in tunneled connection to vncserver

Push ssh into background and do not execute remote command:
    ssh -Nf vncserver 5901:vncserver:5901

Kill vncserver with: vncserver -kill :1

Setting SGID and Sticky permissions so that the group ownership on all files created in a directory will be set the the group owner and so that one user cannot remove another's files with:
    chmod 3770 /path/to/folder

Check if a service is SELinux aware

    semanage fcontext -l |grep <service i.e. samba>
    check for booleans:
    getsebool -a |grep <service>
    set booleans:    
    setsebool -P <boolean> on|off for example setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs on
    ls -ZR /path # determine security context of directory or file

Service status -  service --status-all
                             chkconfig --list

Useful man pages

    man -k proxy |grep selinux
    man -k http |grep selinux
    makewhatis &

Check if service is libwrapped with TCP Wrappers 

ldd `which <service>` |grep libwrap  or ldd ${which <service>} |grep libwrap
strings `which <service>` |grep hosts  or strings ${which <service>} |grep hosts

Remount a filesystem that has locks

fuser -km /mountpount #kill active sessions and locks 
umount /mountpoint  #unmount (alternatively unmount the device with umount /dev/...)
mount -a # to remount

SSH Tunneling Example

on the shellserver run:
  ssh -v -L 1110:popserver:110 shellserver
  nc localhost 1110
connects to popserver on port 100 via localhost 1110 to secure transmission to your pop server

Reverse SSH Tunnel Example

add the following to ~/.ssh/config
 Host  remoteserver  #i.e. linux server at home
    Hostname  ip.of.rem.server
    RemoteForward 2222 localhost:22
    User   pvalentino
  ssh remoteserver
  ping anotherserver  #this helps keep the connection active
  ssh -p 2222 pvalentino@localhost
you are now connected to the linux server in the office through the firewall with a secure shell

Determine disk used versus available on Linux:

df -Pkl |grep -v shm|awk ' { used += $3/1024/1024 } END { printf("%d Gb total used", used)}'
df -Pkl |grep -v shm|awk ' { avail += $2/1024/1024 } END { printf("%d Gb total avail", avail)}'
edit the grep -v command to exclude any directories that you don't want included i.e. grep -v 'shm backup' would exclude any directories with names including shm or backup.  if that syntax doesn't work try adding a second grep -v as |grep -v shm|grep -v backup|....  also omit the "l" in df -Pkl for AIX

Sort user accounts are on server  - getent passwd |sort -t ":" -k 3 -g

Speedier sftp transfer at the expense of security:

sftp -oCipher=blowfish-cbc host:/path

Format a swap partition:

mkswap /dev/sda5

in fstab  add /dev/sda5         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

swapon -a
or via a file:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024
in fstab add /swapfile   swap    swap  defaults 0 0
mkswap  /swapfile 1024
swapon -a


Create a large 2GB file for test purposes:

dd if=/dev/zero of=largefile bs=1M count=2048


Rsync example:

client initiated

rsync -av -e ssh server1:/usr/local/cvsroot/ /usr/local/cvsroot >> /tmp/cvs_rsync_log

server initiated

rsync -av -e ssh  /usr/local/cvsroot/ server1:/usr/local/cvsroot >> /tmp/cvs_rsync_log


Pattern replace for multiple files example:

to replace pattern server with pattern server-tst in all files containing .properties in the current directory and below:

for i in `find . -name *.properties*`$i | sed -e 's/server/server-tst/' > $i.1 | mv -f $i.1 $i; done


Mail Attachments:

mutt -s "Subject" -a picture.jpg user@mydomain.com


Count Files in a Directory recursively:

find YOURDIR -type f ¦ wc -l


Install Kernel Source and headers on Ubuntu:

use sudo passwd to give root a password and enable shell login

su -

apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`

remove comments and blank lines with:

grep -v "^#" /etc/squid/squid.conf | sed -e '/^$/d'

change uid example:

lgroupmod -g 712 groupname
usermod -u 712 -U username

Create users with specific uid and groupid:

To create an oracle user (only required on an Oracle server):

    groupadd -g 502 oinstall ; useradd –m -u 500 -g oinstall oracle ; echo "password" |passwd --stdin oracle


To create a standard user:

     groupadd -g 701 [groupname] ; useradd -m -u 701 -g [groupname] [username] ; echo "password"|passwd --stdin [username]

CHANGE UID's and ownership of files on entire fs:

find / -mount -user UID -print | xargs chown newowner

This variation changes the group ownership:
find / -mount -group GID -print | xargs chgrp newgroup

Find files modified more than x days ago:
find / -mount -mtime +3

Find faulty permissions
    find /  \( -nouser -o -nogroup \)  # files and directories with no matching user or group in passwd
    find / -type f -perm 002  #files writable by other group
    find / -type d -perm -2    #directories writable by other

Fixing Duplicate RPM's:

rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{ARCH} \\n" | grep <packagename> | sort
then remove the one not needed - may need to fix the packagename a little for it to work....
rpm -e bluez-libs-2.10-i386
rpm -e bluez-libs-2.10-x86_64

may needs to be changes to:
rpm -e bluez-libs-2.10-2.i386
rpm -e bluez-libs-2.10-2.x86_64

Install megaraid driver from SRPM example:

Install megaraid driver

download driver from


sftp the drivers over to server and extract them with tar zxvf *.tgz

go to SRPM folder and install with rpm -ivh *.rpm

cd to /usr/src/redhat

export BUILD_KERNEL="2.6.9-55.ELsmp"  #2.6.9-55.ELsmp is result of uname -r

rpmbuild -bb SPECS/megaraid_sas.spec

rpm -ivh /RPMS/x86_64/lsi-megaraid_sas-smp-

rpm -ivh /RPMS/x86_64/lsi-megaraid_sas-smp-debuginfo-

Copy or Cut and Paste in VIM

Cut and Paste:
  • Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to CUT.
  • Mark it with md
  • Go to the end of the block.
  • Cut it with d'd
  • Go to the new location that you want to PASTE the text.
  • Enter P (shift-p).

Copy and Paste:
  • Place the cursor at the beginning of the block you want to COPY.
  • Mark it with my
  • Go to the end of the block.
  • Copy it with y'y
  • Go to the new location that you want to paste the text.
  • Press P (shift-p).

Replace one character with another for an entire file:

cat <filename> | tr \" \' > <outfilename>  #  will replace all "  with '  in <filename> and output to <outfilename>

Finding Services on my network i.e. Servers running MySQL:

nmap -sV -p 3306 192.168.1-254 > MySQLhosts.out
nmap options
    -sS #synchronous scan TCP
    -sU #UDP scan
    -sR  #RPC/portmap
    -A    #OS and version detection
    -v     #verbose
    -P0   #suppress pretest ping
    -p      #port

    will locate all servers running mysql on default port 3306 on the class C 192.168.1.x network
    Just open the MySQLhosts.out file to find hosts that are not in closed state

Find files that are filling up disk space:

cd to dir that is filling up
     du -sk * | sort -nr | more
list files and directories in order of space they occupy

Updating Kernel parameters on Linux:

Edit /etc/sysctl.conf  for example:
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmin = 1
kernel.shmseg = 10
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 104032
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 15
net.core.rmem_default = 1048576
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216

    sysctl -p  # this loads the parameters from changes made to sysctl.conf
    ipcs -l  # lists the parameters

Set date and time:

date MMDDhhmm.ss


*     *   *   *    *  command to be executed
-     -    -    -    -
|     |     |     |     |
|     |     |     |     +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
|     |     |     +------- month (1 - 12)
|     |     +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

Changing linux prompt in profile

in ~/.bash_profile add:
PS1="\[\033[1;32m\]\u@\[\033[1;33m\]\h \[\033[1;34m\]\${PWD} $\[\033[0m\] "

What is my ip?   /sbin/ifconfig or /sbin/ip addr
What is my mac? /sbin/ip maddr

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