Groundworks Monitor Installation

Install Prerequisite Packages

Disable SELinux so that it does not interfere with installation:

Edit the /etc/selinux/config file so that it looks like:

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.

# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:

# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.

# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.

# disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.


# SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:

# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.

# strict - Full SELinux protection.

# SELINUXTYPE=targeted



yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install mysql-server


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install mysqlclient


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install mysql


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install mysql-libs


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install mod_auth_mysql


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install php-mysql

Set MySQL to automatically start:

chkconfig mysqld on

Start the MySQL server daemon:

service mysqld start

Remove any non SUN Microsystems Java versions

Query for existing Java packages:

rpm -qa | grep -i java

Remove the RPMs: rpm –e

Example Java packages:



Reboot the machine (to make sure the cache is cleared)

Install java version "1.5.0_11" from http://pvalentino/install/jboss/java.tar.gz

Add the following to the users .bash_profile files:




Run: source ~/.bash_profile

Install Perl-DBI


yum -c http://pvalentino/repository/patch/current/rhel4-i386.conf -y install perl-DBI*

MySQL uses the localhost entry in /etc/hosts. Make sure that the localhost entry looks like the example below.

Also, make sure that localhost is first after the IP address followed by localhost.localdomain. Example: is the fully qualified domain name where the GroundWork Monitor server is


Also, make sure TCP port 3306 is not blocked by your firewall rules. This port is for communication to the MySQL server. localhost localhost.localdomain bigbrother bigbrother.pvalentino.lan

Downloading the GroundWork Monitor RPMs

wget http://pvalentino/install/nagios/groundwork-foundation-pro-1.6.1-67.noarch.rpm

wget http://pvalentino/install/nagios/groundwork-monitor-core-5.1.3-32.rhel4.i386.rpm

Note: To install the product successfully, the following 2 RPM commands must be performed separately, do not combine.

Foundation RPM. This will install the GroundWork Foundation components:

rpm -Uvh groundwork-foundation-pro-1.6.y-yyy.noarch.rpm

Core RPM. This will install GroundWork Monitor components:

rpm -Uvh groundwork-monitor-core-5.1.y-yyy.zzzz.zzzz.rpm

Verifying and Completing Configuration

Step 1 - Checking the User Interface as an Administrator

An Administrator can define Users, Groups, Roles, and Packages. The Administrator role also provides access to the Configuration option, which allows you to configure the Nagios monitoring system.

1. Go to the URL http://bigbrother/.

2. Login as an Administrator with the User ID admin and Password admin.

3. Reference the Bookshelf within GroundWork Monitor Professional for additional advice and instructions.

4. When finished exploring Admin options, continue with Step 2 below.

Step 2 - Checking the User Interface as an Operator

An Operator role is pre-defined for you. The Operator role provides access to GroundWork Monitor Professional applications such as Status, Reports, and Bookshelf.

1. Log out as an Administrator.

2. Log into GroundWork Monitor Professional as an Operator with the User ID joe and Password joe.

3. Click the Application Launcher and select the Status option.

4. Review the Overview status page.

5. Expand the tree (left Panel) and Navigate to Hosts and Services.

6. Select Host and Service information. Check that the status information is correct.

Step 3 - Checking the connection between Nagios and GroundWork Foundation

1. From a command shell (open as root), if the Status Viewer status and Nagios Service detail do not match, check

the following:

􀂃 Check to see if the is executing with the following command:

ps -ef | grep nagios2collage

􀂃 If this process is not running, restart gwservices with the following command:

/etc/init.d/gwservices restart

2. If the Console events do not appear, check the following:

􀂃 Check to see if the is executing with the following command:

ps -ef | grep nagios2collage

􀂃 If this process is not running, restart gwservices with the following command:

/etc/init.d/gwservices restart

Installing Plugins:

copy downloaded plugins to:


chmod a+x <plugin executable>

Try to run some commands, i.e. for check_jmx try:

/usr/local/groundwork/nagios/libexec/check_jmx -U service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://epicapp:1999/jmxrmi -O java.lang:type=Memory -A HeapMemoryUsage -K used -I HeapMemoryUsage -j used -vvvv -w 400000000 -c 500000000


Back up custom changes you may have made to your GroundWork Monitor system:

􀂃 Plugins:


􀂃 CGI Graphs:


􀂃 Eventhandlers:


Back up existing RRD files and your current Nagios configuration. This will create three TAR files in the current


􀂃 tar cfz GWMON-xxx-rrd.tar.gz /usr/local/groundwork/rrd

􀂃 tar cfz GWMON-xxx-nagios.tar.gz /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/etc

􀂃 tar cfz GWMON-xxx-users.tar.gz /usr/local/groundwork/users

Database Back Up

GroundWork recommends that all MySQL databases be backed up before upgrading. The upgrade procedure will

migrate the databases to the latest version of GroundWork Monitor. Create a back up directory (e.g.

/usr/local/backup-gwmon/) and enter the following commands to create the back ups:

􀂃 Monarch (Configuration):

mysqldump -uroot monarch > /usr/local/backup-gwmon/monarch.sql

􀂃 Guava (Framework):

mysqldump -uroot guava > /usr/local/backup-gwmon/guava.sql

􀂃 Foundation (Monitor Data):

mysqldump -uroot GWCollageDB > /usr/local/backup-gwmon/GWCollageDB.sql

GroundWork Configuration Files Back Up

􀂃 Monarch Back Up

Back up the following files and folders before removing GroundWork Monitor and restore after the 5.1


tar cfz GWMON-xxx-monarchbackup.tar.gz


tar cfz GWMON-xxx-performance_views.tar.gz


􀂃 If you have done custom work to these files back up the following: Note: This does not apply to GWMON

4.0 to GWMON-PRO 5.1 upgrade.

tar cfz GWMON-xxx-monarchcallout.tar.gz /usr/local/groundwork/monarch/lib/

tar cfz GWMON-xxx-monarchexternals.tar.gz


􀂃 If you have configured Apache for secure SSL authentication any HTTPS certificates need to be preserved

(the directory of the HTTPS certificates may differ from the example below):

tar cfz ssl-keys.tar.gz /usr/local/groundwork/apache2/conf/ssl.key

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