Nagios Client Configuration

On Unix Systems:


su - bb

wget http://pvalentino.pvalentino.lan/install/nagios/nagiosclient.tgz

cd to ~bb

tar zxvpf nagiosclient.tgz

chown nagios/*

create symbolic links as follows:

ln -s /lib/ /lib/

ln -s /lib/ /lib/

To test, from server run:

the nagios user requires the ssh keys from bb so that it can issue ssh commands

ssh bb@hostname must work!!!

su - nagios

cd /usr/local/groundwork/nagios/libexec

./check_by_ssh -H -C "libexec/ -f -c 2 -w 3"

./check_by_ssh -H -t 30 -l bb -C "libexec/check_load -w 15,10,5 -c 30,25,20"

On Windows Systems:


Copy \pvalentinofs02libraryappsnagiosclient to C:

Open a command prompt:

cd nagiosclient

pnsclient.exe /install

Double click Nsclient.reg and click OK to accept the registry change

Back at command prompt type:

net start nsclient

For W2K3 Servers with DEP enabled:

Right Click "My Computer"

Select "Properties"

Click "Advanced"

Click "Settings" under Performance section

Select the "Data Execution Prevention" tab and click "Add"

Browse to c:nagiosclientpNsclient.exe

Windows servers do not require a reboot unless they have DEP enabled.

Powered by ScribeFire.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the info.....Nice and simple....Can you let me know where I can get the file pvalentinofs02libraryappsnagiosclient
for the Windows client?



Paul Valentino said...

Sorry, completely forgot where I found the client, i just did a google search for nsclient.exe or similar to find it. Also, I discovered an app called Applications Manager from Manage Engine that I fell in love with, but it's not free. There is a 5 monitor free edition and a 30 day free trial of the full - easiest and most thorough tool I've found at a relatively low price :)